By default, there is only one meeting host per meeting but you can add up to 25 co-hosts once inside the meeting. If you transfer or schedule a meeting on someone else's calendar, the other person could become the meeting host. Tip: Anyone who schedules or starts a meeting will be the meeting host. It is important to keep all employee data including leave requests, HR records and timesheets in a secure place.If you turn these features off in recurring meetings or meetings that use the same meeting code, the setting will be saved for the next scheduled meeting If you turn these features off in a one-time, nicknamed, or instant meeting, the feature will return to on, after the meeting ends.All other eligible Workspace users can turn attendance tracking and live stream reports on and off from within a meeting or from the Google Calendar event.Google Workspace for Education Plus users and Teaching and Learning Upgrade users automatically receive an attendance report for any meeting with 2 or more participants and a live stream report for all live stream events.

Attendance tracking and live stream reports will be enabled by default for your organization and can be turned on or off by Administrators.